THU Power Grid Benchmarks

All the power grid benchmarks presented in this website are standard SPICE format which are compatible with IBM Power Grid Benchmarks. They are extended from a smaller power grid case which is drawn from real design. These benchmarks size is larger than IBM PG benchmarks so we hope these benchmarks will motivate new research in this area, and result in breakthroughs in this challenging problem.


Jianlei Yang, EDA Lab of Tsinghua University, jerryyangs AT
Zuowei Li, EDA Lab of Tsinghua University, lizuoweirain AT

THU Power Grid Benchmarks

The details of SPICE netlist format can be found in
And more detailed descriptions can be found in S. R. Nassif, Power Grid Analysis Benchmarks, ASPDAC 2008.

Name Nodes Equivalent Nodes Resistors Current Sources Voltage Sources Shorts Layers SPICE Netlist File Size
thupg1 4974439 3261850 8248158 315950 261 0 3 thupg1.spice.tar.gz 67MB
thupg2 8989132 6014504 15042090 484424 350 0 3 thupg2.spice.tar.gz 122MB
thupg3 11778121 7856200 19698081 610610 395 0 3 thupg3.spice.tar.gz 153MB
thupg4 15209208 10259771 25566793 747741 434 0 3 thupg4.spice.tar.gz 204MB
thupg5 19231049 13627506 33000795 835113 466 0 3 thupg5.spice.tar.gz 267MB
thupg6 23505915 17216192 42430212 926447 535 0 3 thupg6.spice.tar.gz 322MB
thupg7 28468261 18690184 47430073 1391500 621 0 3 thupg7.spice.tar.gz 374MB
thupg8 39784463 27661623 67904272 1703905 703 0 3 thupg8.spice.tar.gz 524MB
thupg9 51810571 31518068 83992792 2793853 911 0 3 thupg9.spice.tar.gz 656MB
thupg10 60351149 38415188 99645735 3013079 925 0 3 thupg10.spice.tar.gz 791MB

Equivalent Nodes is the number of nodes after merging short path or resistors with exteremely small value.

Created: 01/06/2012, Last Update: 01/06/2012 16:34:50
By Jianlei Yang, All rights reserved.